Vídeos de la academia CARAT

The introduction training 3

Video Details

Hello and welcome to the CARAT introduction training Part 3
After the first two parts dealt with capturing the customer and room data and the planning of the kitchen parts, part 3 shows the generation of the long parts and the planning of the sink and hob.
With the planning optimiser, CARAT offers a very comfortable possibility to automatically generate the so called long part articles like worktops, top panels, plinths, light pelmets and cornices. This means that these do not have to be entered individually, as they are automatically generated by the kitchen design system from the previously entered model data.
This video shows, using the example of worktops, the generation with and without PLOP. PLOP means planning optimiser.
Manufacturer catalogues with PLOP can be recognised from the P-symbol in the catalogue data.
The long parts, with their respective manufacturer names and the associated articles at additional charges are automatically created at the generation.